I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. Timothy 2:1
The St. Francis Parish Prayer Tree Ministry is dedicated to helping others through prayer. You are not alone; our members are here to support you through prayer. Please complete the intake form to submit a request. We pray for the request for two weeks unless otherwise indicated. Updates are always appreciated. The prayer recipient need not be a member of St. Francis Cathedral.
Interested in joining the St. Francis Parish Prayer Tree?
The SFC Parish Prayer Tree is always looking to add new members. There are no meetings, or group gathering to attend. Prayer requests are received and shared via email. You pray on your own, independently. We pray for the requests for two weeks unless an update is received asking for further prayers. This is a simple, yet powerful way to help others during a difficult time or with a difficult situation. On occasion, we receive an update with a good outcome, which is so uplifting. Interested or have questions - please contact Belinda Coakes at: [email protected]
Devote yourselves to prayer being watchful and thankful Colossians 4:2
Click this link if you have a prayer request.