This ministry is deeply rooted in scripture and tradition. At one time ushers were known as doorkeepers. Later on in the third century they were known as porters. At that time the porters guarded the doors of the church against any intruders. In 1972 Pope Paul abolished the order of porters.
Ushers/Greeters must be people-orientated. The Ushers warm welcome and courtesy can set the whole tone of the Mass. We are the “doors” giving open access to the warmth of holy fellowship in the Spirit of Jesus.
We greet you with a smiling face, assist you to find seating, collect the offerings during Mass and try to have an answer for those who need to find their way around the church. Our ministry is to exemplify and extend the hospitality of our church.
The ministry is looking for new volunteers at all times.
Tom Hansen/Robert Riolo
Usher Ministry Lead/Greeters Ministry Lead